// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
	// File: ybco.pov
	// Vers: 1.0
	// Desc: YBa2Cu3O7 unit cell
	// Date: 04/26/98
	// Auth:	Stefan Krey
	//		Institute of Applied Physics
	//		University of Hamburg
	//		email: sk...kreynet.de
	// YBaCuO coordinates:
	// N YBa2Cu3O7-Superconductor Capponi (1987) Europhys.Lett.3,1301
	// C 3.8128 3.8806 11.6303 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000
	// S GRUP P M M M             
	// A Y1     0.5000  0.5000  0.5000  1.0000  1.0000
	// A BA1    0.5000  0.5000  0.1826  1.0000  1.0000
	// A CU1    0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  1.0000  1.0000
	// A CU2    0.0000  0.0000  0.3542  1.0000  1.0000
	// A O1     0.0000  0.0000  0.1595  1.0000  1.0000
	// A O2     0.5000  0.0000  0.3773  1.0000  1.0000
	// A O3     0.0000  0.5000  0.3769  1.0000  1.0000
	// A O4     0.0000  0.5000  0.0000  1.0000  1.0000
	#version 3
	#include "colors.inc"
	  assumed_gamma 1.0
	#declare AtomFinish=
	   finish { ambient 0.2
	            diffuse 0.6
	            specular 1
	            roughness 0.01
	#declare yttrium=
	   pigment {Blue}
	   finish  {AtomFinish}
	#declare barium=
	   pigment {Cyan}
	   finish  {AtomFinish}
	#declare copper=
	   pigment {Copper}
	   finish  {AtomFinish}
	#declare oxygen=
	   pigment {Red}
	   finish  {AtomFinish}
	#declare bonds=
	   pigment{ Gray85 filter 1}
	   finish { ambient 0
	            diffuse 0
	            reflection 0.10
	            refraction 1
	            ior 1.45
	            specular 1
	            roughness 0.01
	#declare VectorStyle=
	   finish {phong 1}
	// ----------------------------------------
	  location  <0 0 5>
	  up y
	//  right -4/3*x
	//  right -0.736*x
	  right -1.0*x
	  rotate <90,0,0> 
	  angle 30
	  look_at <0 0 0>
	  translate <0.0000,  0.0000,  0.9692>
	// Set a color of the background (sky)
	background { White }
	// background { Gray80 }
	  0*x // light's position (translated below)
	  color red 1.0  green 1.0  blue 1.0  // light's color
	  translate <-10,-10, 10>
	# declare YBCO = union {
	//plane { y, -1 pigment {color rgb <0.0,0.0,0.3>}}
	// create Yttrium
	{ <0.3177  0.3234  0.9692>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.059                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{yttrium}                         // texture
	// create Barium
	{ <0.3177  0.3234  0.3539>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.097                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{barium}                          // texture
	{ <0.3177  0.3234  1.5844>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.097                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{barium}                          // texture
	// bottom CuO chains
	{ <0.0000  0.0000  0.0000>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.0000  0.0000>, <0.0000  0.3234  0.0000>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.0000  0.3234  0.0000>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.3234  0.0000>, <0.0000  0.6468  0.0000>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.0000  0.6468  0.0000>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.6468  0.0000>, <0.6355  0.6468  0.0000>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.6355  0.6468  0.0000>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.6468  0.0000>, <0.6355  0.3234  0.0000>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.6355  0.3234  0.0000>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.3234  0.0000>, <0.6355  0.0000  0.0000>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.6355  0.0000  0.0000>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.0000  0.0000>, <0.0000  0.0000  0.0000>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	// bottom CuO plane
	{ <0.0000  0.0000  0.6866>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.0000  0.6866>, <0.0000  0.3234  0.7314>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.0000  0.3234  0.7314>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.3234  0.7314>, <0.0000  0.6468  0.6866>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.0000  0.6468  0.6866>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.6468  0.6866>, <0.3177  0.6468  0.7314>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.3177  0.6468  0.7314>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.3177  0.6468  0.7314>, <0.6355  0.6468  0.6866>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.6355  0.6468  0.6866>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.6468  0.6866>, <0.6355  0.3234  0.7314>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.6355  0.3234  0.7314>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.3234  0.7314>, <0.6355  0.0000  0.6866>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.6355  0.0000  0.6866>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.0000  0.6866>, <0.3177  0.0000  0.7314>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.3177  0.0000  0.7314>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.3177  0.0000  0.7314>, <0.0000  0.0000  0.6866>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	// free bonds (dx=0.3177, dy=0.3234)
	cylinder { <0.0000,  0.0000,  0.6866>, <-0.3177,  0.0000,  0.7314>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // -dx
	cylinder { <0.0000,  0.0000,  0.6866>, < 0.0000, -0.3234,  0.7314>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // -dy
	cylinder { <0.0000,  0.6468,  0.6866>, <-0.3177,  0.6468,  0.7314>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // -dx
	cylinder { <0.0000,  0.6468,  0.6866>, < 0.0000,  0.9702,  0.7314>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // +dy
	cylinder { <0.6355,  0.6468,  0.6866>, < 0.9532,  0.6468,  0.7314>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // +dx
	cylinder { <0.6355,  0.6468,  0.6866>, < 0.6355,  0.9702,  0.7314>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // +dy
	cylinder { <0.6355,  0.0000,  0.6866>, < 0.9532,  0.0000,  0.7314>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // +dx
	cylinder { <0.6355,  0.0000,  0.6866>, < 0.6355, -0.3234,  0.7314>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // -dy
	// top CuO plane
	{ <0.0000  0.0000  1.2518>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.0000  1.2518>, <0.0000  0.3234  1.2070>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.0000  0.3234  1.2070>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.3234  1.2070>, <0.0000  0.6468  1.2518>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.0000  0.6468  1.2518>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.6468  1.2518>, <0.3177  0.6468  1.2070>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.3177  0.6468  1.2070>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.3177  0.6468  1.2070>, <0.6355  0.6468  1.2518>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.6355  0.6468  1.2518>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.6468  1.2518>, <0.6355  0.3234  1.2070>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.6355  0.3234  1.2070>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.3234  1.2070>, <0.6355  0.0000  1.2518>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.6355  0.0000  1.2518>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.0000  1.2518>, <0.3177  0.0000  1.2070>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.3177  0.0000  1.2070>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.3177  0.0000  1.2070>, <0.0000  0.0000  1.2518>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	// free bonds (dx=0.3177, dy=0.3234)
	cylinder { <0.0000,  0.0000,  1.2518>, <-0.3177,  0.0000,  1.2070>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // -dx
	cylinder { <0.0000,  0.0000,  1.2518>, < 0.0000, -0.3234,  1.2070>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // -dy
	cylinder { <0.0000,  0.6468,  1.2518>, <-0.3177,  0.6468,  1.2070>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // -dx
	cylinder { <0.0000,  0.6468,  1.2518>, < 0.0000,  0.9702,  1.2070>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // +dy
	cylinder { <0.6355,  0.6468,  1.2518>, < 0.9532,  0.6468,  1.2070>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // +dx
	cylinder { <0.6355,  0.6468,  1.2518>, < 0.6355,  0.9702,  1.2070>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // +dy
	cylinder { <0.6355,  0.0000,  1.2518>, < 0.9532,  0.0000,  1.2070>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // +dx
	cylinder { <0.6355,  0.0000,  1.2518>, < 0.6355, -0.3234,  1.2070>, 0.01 texture{bonds} } // -dy
	// top CuO chains
	{ <0.0000  0.0000  1.9384>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.0000  1.9384>, <0.0000  0.3234  1.9384>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.0000  0.3234  1.9384>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.3234  1.9384>, <0.0000  0.6468  1.9384>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.0000  0.6468  1.9384>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.6468  1.9384>, <0.6355  0.6468  1.9384>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.6355  0.6468  1.9384>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.6468  1.9384>, <0.6355  0.3234  1.9384>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.6355  0.3234  1.9384>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.3234  1.9384>, <0.6355  0.0000  1.9384>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	{ <0.6355  0.0000  1.9384>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.0000  1.9384>, <0.0000  0.0000  1.9384>, 0.01 texture{bonds} }
	// BaO-1 layer
	// create Oxygen
	{ <0.0000  0.0000  0.3092>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	{ <0.0000  0.6468  0.3092>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	{ <0.6355  0.6468  0.3092>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	{ <0.6355  0.0000  0.3092>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	// BaO-2 layer
	{ <0.0000  0.0000  1.6292>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	{ <0.0000  0.6468  1.6292>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	{ <0.6355  0.6468  1.6292>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	{ <0.6355  0.0000  1.6292>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	// Vertical bonds <0 0 Z>
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.0000  0.0000>, <0.0000  0.0000  0.3092>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.0000  0.3092>, <0.0000  0.0000  0.6866>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.0000  0.6866>, <0.0000  0.0000  1.2518>, 0.005 texture{bonds} }
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.0000  1.2518>, <0.0000  0.0000  1.6292>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.0000  1.6292>, <0.0000  0.0000  1.9384>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	// Vertical bonds <0 0.6468 Z>
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.6468  0.0000>, <0.0000  0.6468  0.3092>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.6468  0.3092>, <0.0000  0.6468  0.6866>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.6468  0.6866>, <0.0000  0.6468  1.2518>, 0.005 texture{bonds} }
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.6468  1.2518>, <0.0000  0.6468  1.6292>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	cylinder { <0.0000  0.6468  1.6292>, <0.0000  0.6468  1.9384>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	// Vertical bonds <0.6355 0.6468 Z>
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.6468  0.0000>, <0.6355  0.6468  0.3092>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.6468  0.3092>, <0.6355  0.6468  0.6866>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.6468  0.6866>, <0.6355  0.6468  1.2518>, 0.005 texture{bonds} }
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.6468  1.2518>, <0.6355  0.6468  1.6292>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.6468  1.6292>, <0.6355  0.6468  1.9384>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	// Vertical bonds <0.6355 0 Z>
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.0000  0.0000>, <0.6355  0.0000  0.3092>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.0000  0.3092>, <0.6355  0.0000  0.6866>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.0000  0.6866>, <0.6355  0.0000  1.2518>, 0.005 texture{bonds} }
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.0000  1.2518>, <0.6355  0.0000  1.6292>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	cylinder { <0.6355  0.0000  1.6292>, <0.6355  0.0000  1.9384>, 0.01 texture{bonds}  }
	} // union YBCO
	# declare Vectors = union {
	cylinder { <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, <0.2, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.005 texture{VectorStyle} }
	cone     { <0.2, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.02, <0.3, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0 }
	text     { ttf "CRYSTAL.TTF" "a" 0.0001, 0 pigment {Black}
	                                       translate <-0.25, 0, 0>
	                                       rotate 90*x
	                                       rotate -360*clock*z
	                                       scale 0.12
	                                       translate <0.25, 0.0, 0.05> }
	cylinder { <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.2, 0.0>, 0.005 texture{VectorStyle} }
	cone     { <0.0, 0.2, 0.0>, 0.02, <0.0, 0.3, 0.0>, 0.0 }
	text     { ttf "CRYSTAL.TTF" "b" 0.0001, 0 pigment {Black}
	                                       translate <-0.25, 0, 0>
	                                       rotate 90*x
	                                       rotate -360*clock*z
	                                       scale 0.12
	                                       translate <0.0, 0.25, 0.05>}
	cylinder { <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.0, 0.2>, 0.005 texture{VectorStyle} }
	cone     { <0.0, 0.0, 0.2>, 0.02, <0.0, 0.0, 0.3>, 0.0 }
	text     { ttf "CRYSTAL.TTF" "c" 0.0001, 0 pigment {Black}
	                                       translate <-0.25, 0, 0>
	                                       rotate 90*x
	                                       rotate -360*clock*z
	                                       scale 0.12
	                                       translate <0.0, 0.0, 0.35> }
	} // union Vectors
	# declare Legend = union {
	{ <0.0000  0.0000  1.6000>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.097                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{barium}                          // texture
	text     { ttf "CRYSTAL.TTF" "Ba" 0.0001, 0 pigment {Black}
	                                            translate <-0.5, 0, 0>
	                                            rotate 90*x
	                                            scale 0.14
	                                            translate <0.2000, 0.0000, 1.6000 - 0.04> }
	{ <0.0000  0.0000  1.3000>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.079                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{oxygen}                          // texture
	text     { ttf "CRYSTAL.TTF" "O" 0.0001, 0  pigment {Black}
	                                            translate <-0.5, 0, 0>
	                                            rotate 90*x
	                                            scale 0.14
	                                            translate <0.2000, 0.0000, 1.3000 - 0.04> }
	{ <0.0000  0.0000  1.0000>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.059                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{yttrium}                         // texture
	text     { ttf "CRYSTAL.TTF" "Y" 0.0001, 0  pigment {Black}
	                                            translate <-0.5, 0, 0>
	                                            rotate 90*x
	                                            scale 0.14
	                                            translate <0.2000, 0.0000, 1.0000 - 0.04> }
	{ <0.0000  0.0000  0.7000>                 // center of sphere 
	  0.043                                    // radius of sphere
	  scale <1,1,1>                            // size of sphere
	  texture{copper}                          // texture
	text     { ttf "CRYSTAL.TTF" "Cu" 0.0001, 0 pigment {Black}
	                                            translate <-0.5, 0, 0>
	                                            rotate 90*x
	                                            scale 0.14
	                                            translate <0.2000, 0.0000, 0.7000 - 0.04> }
	} // union Legend
	object {
	   translate <-0.3177,  -0.3234,  0.0000>
	   rotate 360*clock*z
	   translate <-0.4, 0, 0> // center picture
	object {
	   rotate 360*clock*z
	   translate < 1.2000,   0.0000,  0.0000>
	   translate <-0.4, 0, 0> // center picture
	object {
	   translate < 1.2000,  0.0000,  0.0000>
	   translate < 0.0000,  0.3234,  0.0000>
	   translate <-0.4, 0, 0> // center picture
	// have fun!!